Please contact the Insurer Directly – in most cases a written claim form won’t be required.
AMP General: 0508 806 244
AMP General Online Claim: Make an insurance claim | AMP NZ
Vero Liability: 0800 438 372
Allianz Travel Insurance: 0800 486 686 or Collect 64 9 486 6868
Star Insurance: 0800 250 600
Southern Cross: 0800 800 181
If you are concerned about any aspect of your claim please give us a call.
To complete an online claim with AMP General:
AMP General Online House Claim
AMP General Online Contents Claim
AMP General Online Vehicle Claim
AMP General or Vero Windscreen Claim
To complete a paper claim form:
AMP Claim_Form_House_and_Contents
AMP Claim_Form_Business_Insurance
AMP Claim_form_Boat
AMP Claim_form_Vehicle_Accident
AMP Claim_form_Vehicle_Accident_uninsured_parties_
AMP Claim_Form_Vehicle_Theft